Crafting AI-Image Prompts: A Beginner’s Guide

Diving into AI art? Before getting too far ahead of yourself, it’s vital to grasp how AI-image generators function. Remember, unlike us, these are machines without human nuances and perceptions. So, while you might describe a mood or feeling in a particular way, AI needs specifics to translate that description into a visual piece.

Even if you are using the best image generation model, you must learn how to prompt it properly to truly harness its true potential. Just as you would have to be clear and specific when asking an artist to create a piece, the same goes with AI. Mention precise colours, textures, patterns, and any particular artistic style you fancy. The clearer and more comprehensive your instructions, the better the AI’s neural networks can work to produce the image you have in mind. 

At this point, you might be wondering if there are free AI-image generators out there and what are the most popular AI-image generators on the market. DALL-E, Stable Diffusion, and Bing Image Generator are a few popular ones. NightCafé is also a great platform powered by different AI software that also offers daily free credits. You can earn more NightCafé credits by participating in their artist community.

How to Write an AI Art prompt

Here’s how you can write effective AI art prompts:

Describe the Content of Your Image

Be as detailed as possible about what you want to include in your image. Is it a drawing, sketch, or 3D rendering? Perhaps a photograph or an illustration? You might begin your prompt like this:

  • A photograph of…
  • A 3D rendering of…
  • A sketch of…
  • An illustration of…

Describe the Subject

Every AI art prompt should clearly describe the subject, whether it’s a person, animal, object, abstract concept, or emotion. Be specific so the AI generator knows what to create from its datasets. For example:

  • An illustration of a tree…
  • A photograph of a dog…
  • A 3D rendering of a car…

Add Important Details

To enhance your prompt, include specific details about the elements of your image. This might encompass colours, shapes, sizes, and textures.

If you want to create an image of a bear, don’t simply write ‘bear.’ Describe the type of bear (such as brown, black, grizzly, or polar), the setting (perhaps in a forest or among mountains), and any other unique details that capture what you envision. For example:

  • An illustration of a tree with yellow leaves…
  • A photograph of a dog on a leash…
  • A 3D rendering of a car that is old and red…

By being precise with your description, you guide the AI generator to produce an image that closely matches your idea.

Specify the Form and Style

It’s also crucial to mention the form and style you envisage for your AI-generated art. If you’re after a particular visual flair, use descriptors like abstract, minimalist, or surreal to convey the desired artistic touch. Consider these suggestions:

  • An illustration of a tree with yellow leaves, echoing abstract expressionism…
  • A photograph of a dog on a leash, with a minimalist essence…
  • A 3D rendering of a car that is old and red, reminiscent of Cubism…

If you wish, you can even name-drop a specific artist to emulate their signature style. For example, ‘In the manner of Picasso.’ Alternatively, reference a notable piece of art, such as ‘Reflecting Andy Warhol’s Shot Marilyns.’

Define the Composition

Lastly, make sure to articulate the composition of your image. This could include resolution, lighting style, aspect ratio, and camera view. Here are some examples:

  • An illustration of a tree with yellow leaves echoing abstract expressionism, incorporating volumetric lighting
  • A photograph of a dog on a leash, with a minimalist essence, captured from an aerial viewpoint
  • A 3D rendering of a car that is old and red, reminiscent of Cubism at a resolution of 4,096 by 2,160

By pinpointing these compositional elements, you’ll have greater control over the final image, ensuring it aligns more closely with your creative vision.

Additional Prompting Tips

Here are some additional tips to consider when crafting prompts to generate AI art: 

  • Use keywords that the AI-generator can grasp, avoiding overly complicated or rare words that might not be recognised. 
  • Aim for brevity, ideally using three to seven terms in your prompt without overloading it with descriptions. 
  • Leverage adjectives to depict your art’s subject, style, and composition, but be cautious with conflicting terms that might confuse the generator. 

Utilising AI copywriting tools, such as ChatGPT, as AI art prompt generators could also be a smart move. Don’t forget to research the specific tool you’re using (e.g., Midjourney, DALL-E, Bing Image Creator, or NightCafé) to understand what keywords it can handle because each works slightly differently. These considerations can help you create more effective and tailored prompts for your AI art projects.

Summing Up

Ready to elevate your designs with precision? NightCafé is now powered by the game-changing DALL-E 3 program, designed to perfectly translate your detailed text prompts into striking visuals. Whether crafting a logo, creating a poster, or sprucing up your web and app visuals, let DALL-E 3’s incredible capabilities give life to your imagination.

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